Monday, August 20, 2007

and end & a beginning...


i did not know if i would bleed this blog into my 'normal' life after returning from the edge and the road. it seems as though the adventure has not ended. i prescribed a set period of time to experience adventure, and i have been blown away and over-abundantly blessed in it's continuance.

i suppose i was narrow-scoped and foolish to limit my view on adventure to a 'nether-time'. to say that it could only be had, on the road, or on the edge. truth be told, it's not about having it, it's about finding it.

looking in every crevice and around every corner. 'experience the rich ache of daily life', i once wrote. 'normal life' or 'normalcy' is only one's (my) inability to properly see. accepting normalcy is essentially a self-blinding. overlooking all the the Father and the fates have to offer.

so, i left you all. and i was full of hope...

things have not changed and i have not fallen off that covered wagon. i remain hopeful and so much more. i am returning/returned to SB and am starting/re-starting my life. ending this chapter. perhaps beginning a mini-chapter. perhaps just preparing for the next chapter that I have glimpsed and is upon me.

if i have seen/spoken to you at all, you know that things are different now. my world now includes a woman, and how wonderful it is to pour time into her and us. she is my world. plain and simply. how quickly love changes us/me.

so for the next 9 months i plan on soaking it all up. the sun, the sailing, the weather, the friends, the church, the time.

come along with me. on this page, or standing next to me.

adventure awaits...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah life, it is there right in front of us as we speed thru the wealth of our imagination and dreams, praying the Father will grant our lowly aspectations....ah life, so beautiful and perplexing all at the same time..Hebrews 5:7

I am so thankful for my father and mother for instilling in me the worth of life and all its potential...there it lies, life, all in front of me, it intices me every day, even when i try to put it off something will be dropped from above to stimulate, agravate, challenge.....ah life

i feel like i'm on the edge all the time, every day i accept, veto, go forward....but it's at the end of the day, when i turn and look back and judge myself, view the day as "on the record" ...have i cheered anyone, have i helped some soul on there way with the seasoning of courage, have i been a confort to the one that has been hindered from joy...

let the bread of life be y/our food

i will leave now to challenge this day...and myself