Sunday, July 15, 2007

good will in the mountains

i am in green river, wyoming right now. my computer is busted and i can't lift the screen more than 3 inches. typing with my hands on the keys and the screen on top of my hands. absolutly stupid. but as a reciever of many free things, (cars, computers) i must not complain too much.

i'm sitting behind a ghetto liquor store in the darkness of my car and the shadows, stealing internet and drinking a cool but not cold beer. my plans to 'just camp somewhere in southwestern wyoming' have blown up in my face. no campgrounds, and no national forest. no trees anywhere actually, just rocks and shrubery. so as i write this, i don't quite yet know what i'm going to do, but, ah well, this is what it's all about right?

yesterday i was outside colorado springs with an uncle and aunt. i had some friends that i knew lived in northern CO, but i never called them in the planning phases of this trip. i cold called them from a pay phone in the mountains (this is after i asked a stranger to borrow his cell so that i could make another call...didn't have the heart to make two). i tell them i'm coming through and would love to stop for a few minutes and say hello. long story short, their hospitality abounded and i stayed till today.

twice yesterday i banked on the good will of my fellow man, and it paid off richly. Let us also say this: Ft Collins, CO is my new favorite place. instant friends, micro brewed beers to the hilt, sweet church this morn, and mountain high beauty. i can ask for little more.

i am becoming road weary. i miss my girl terribly. the time is drawing nearer to hang up the keys and the wanderlust for a while. i need to be a home body for a bit.

alright, with any luck, i won't have to sleep by the side of the road. next stop, OREGON...

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