Tuesday, July 17, 2007

road poetry a.k.a. 'roadetry'

set out across the high desert of eastern oregon. thought i was going to dread each bleak and far stretching mile. but not the case today. no, today was cool air, desolate beauty, thoughts of a lady elsewhere, and great music. iron & wine. doug martsch.

over 200 miles passed as quick as i can write it. it might have helped that i pounded three red bulls at 8:30am. but who's to know these things. the landscape and the quiet begged me to write. so i grabbed the little notebook and steered with my knee.

it was fruitful. i shall part with those words. but first, i'm going to be going off the grid again. this time i'll be camping with my family in southern oregon. it's been close to eight years since we've done this. i'll try to jack in at some point in the week, but who's to know these hings. i'll be back in Novato before the month is over.

as i draw nearer to the end of this road trip, i'm filled more and more with mixed feelings. peace and calm, like i've done what i've set out to do. excitement, for the next chapter in my life. saddness, ostensibly, as this time of unbridled freedom comes to a close.

i have begun age 26 with a bang, an adventure, and a new little lady. i could not ask for anything more.

i'll see you all soon...


'heading west'

a tiny speck under an open sky
floating along on this black swath.
the air rushes
in the window to flood my nostrils.

i am a dust man,
formed of that same earth
i so silently pass over.

the sun and powerlines
give me direction.
the clouds
-chaotic in majesty-
gently urge me on.
the mountains
simply ignore me,
my time with them is but a breath.

i speed to
and crest each horizon
full of wind-teary-eyed anticipation.

yet i only find
more hills and peaks
bekoning me to come
and see what lays beyond
their heights.

so, i breathe
and press forward,
cutting my own furrow,
forging across this open land.

i think on a love
and other meadowed valleys
i've left behind
-but not forgotten.

i head west
to chase the sun
and a future that lies ahead
and unknown.


Unknown said...

4 posts now alluding to a mysterious new woman in your life... Nick and I have our theories, but you really should put an end to the rumor mill...

Zak Landrum said...
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Zak Landrum said...

That poem is kickass.